Words: What A Coincidence!

[via A.Word.A.Day]


From: Richard E Guilford
Subject: Frabjous
Forty-five years ago we bought a 32-foot sailboat which sported a rather pedestrian name. As we intended to sail to exotic and special places, we needed a name to match. By combining words from two lines of the poem, we came up with Frabjous Joy. She took us 15,000 miles around the South Pacific to many exotic and special places.

Richard E. Guilford, Santa Ana, California


From: Wendy Pollitt
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day–frabjous

Years ago, when we were sailing around in the South Pacific, we encountered a boat (small, sail) named Frabjous Joy.

Wendy Pollitt, Kaneohe, Hawaii


P.S., My favorite name seen on a (motorized) boat is:


== PT

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